
2004 Land Trust of the Year: Door County Land Trust

One of the oldest land trusts in the state, Door County Land Trust has set an outstanding example of service and dedication.  The Door County Land Trust has developed strong relationships with land owners, and they are known for building exciting partnerships among unusual parties.  They have earned the respect of the community in which they work, and they have made strides in raising public awareness of Door County’s unique natural systems and the importance of protecting them.  

The Door County Land Trust with current Executive Director Dan Burke sets a wonderful example of what a land trust can be in a community.  Their pro-active, knowledgeable staff has established a high level of excellence. They provide leadership on the local and regional level, and they serve as a positive example to other organizations.

The Door County Land Trust has evolved over the past 19 years to a position of leadership and excellence in the county and the state. DCLT has grown to close to 1,000 members, six paid professional staff, and over 3,000 acres protected. Not only has DCLT established a level of excellence in its operations, but it has taken calculated risks to preserve lands that are threatened by development. 
~ Lucy Klug 

What I’d most like to mention about the Door County Land Trust is the creativity of the staff and the tremendous synergistic relationship between staff, board members, and volunteers. Dan Burke has set an outstanding example of creativity and dedication, and has developed an entire staff who illustrates this beautifully.  He manages to find new and constructive funding strategies for land protection, highly responsive to the needs of both the land trust and property owners, and works together with land owners, staff, and board in a constructive process.
~ Nancy Aten