2005 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Stewardship Award: Janet Beach Hanson

Janet Beach Hanson is the longtime Stewardship Grants Manager for the Department of Natural Resources.  For more than a decade, Janet has worked closely with Wisconsin’s land trusts to help them leverage Stewardship funding for their conservation projects.  When she began her position, the land trust movement was in its infancy and the Stewardship program was just getting off the ground.  Janet’s personal commitment has helped shape the Stewardship Fund into the vital tool that it is today and has helped Wisconsin’s land trusts grow and evolve to meet expanding conservation needs.  Janet has served as a mentor to her colleagues both within the DNR and throughout the broader conservation community.  All who care about land conservation in Wisconsin owe Janet a deep debt of gratitude.  We wish her luck and happiness as she embarks on new adventures with her retirement this fall.

“After Gathering Waters Conservancy, Janet is the single biggest reason for the growth of the land trust movement here in Wisconsin!”
~Dan Kaemmerer and Tom Blotz

“Janet truly believes in the goal of growing land trusts with the ultimate goal of involving more people in the work of protecting special places in our State.”
~ Pat Zatopa

“I have worked with Janet Beach Hanson since 2000.  Not a day goes by when I am not impressed with her knowledge, commitment, and her dedication.”
~ Karen Blodgett