2009 Policy Maker of the Year: Richard Stadelman

Richard Stadelman has served the Wisconsin Towns Association as executive director since 1987, and has become one of Wisconsin’s most trusted and influential advocates for land use policy.  In his capacity as executive director, he has served on several state committees and task forces, including the DATCP Livestock Facility Sitting Committee and, more recently, the DATCP Working Lands Steering Committee.  

In 2008, the Towns association sponsored numerous educational workshops on the Working Lands Initiative throughout Wisconsin. Those workshops connected farmers, county planners, land trusts and many other neighbors who shared concerns about the future of working lands but may not otherwise have met to discuss the next best steps for their communities. Thanks in part to Mr. Stadelman’s dedicated efforts, on June 29 the initiative was signed into law.

“In representing the agenda of the Wisconsin Towns Association, Richard has brought a high level of professionalism to the organization.  He has been tireless in keeping the leadership informed and educated on the issues of the time.”

~Tom Lyon 

WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer Protection