2010 Lifetime Achievement Award: Noel Cutright

We are proud to honor Dr. Noel Cutright for notable contributions to land conservation through his achievements as an ornithologist.  Through both paid and volunteer efforts, Dr. Cutright has raised both awareness and thousands of dollars for bird habitat protection in Wisconsin. An Ecosystem Manager for We Energies, Dr. Cutright’s many projects included a Peregrine recovery program using power plants for nest box sites, and designing bluebird trails on We Energy’s properties.  

Dr. Cutright’s 30-year contribution to the North American Breeding Bird Survey is a prime example of citizen scientists playing an instrumental role collecting data to help set critical bird protection policies.  

In 2004, Dr. Cutright broke records by conducting 33 Breeding Bird surveys in a continuous stretch and raising nearly $50,000 for the Important Bird Areas program.  

“Dr.  Cutright is one of those rare people whose vocation and avocation are the same. His legacy is larger than bird monitoring and tracking.  He has fledged a generation of bird enthusiasts, has reminded us that birds are a bellwether of overall environmental health, and that strategic land management and land conservation can reverse trends of avian population decline, even as our communities grow.” 
 ~Kris Krause, Vice President
Environmental at We Energies