2011 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award: Elward Engle

Elward Engle’s relationship with land and water conservation is rooted in a sense of interdependence among all of the components of the natural environment. He understands the relationships between the rivers and streams, the land that surrounds them, and the inhabitants that utilize them. It’s this understanding that has allowed Elward to be an outstanding Wisconsin conservationist and to be a recipient of the Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Elward began his work in the capacity of a DNR official working on project planning in Central Wisconsin. He later moved into a land acquisition role with the DNR.  During his tenure, over 60,000 acres of land were acquired for fisheries and wildlife, as well as state parks and natural areas.  Elward has continued his conservation work as a volunteer, whether it’s through teaching classes for school groups or organizing volunteer stream restoration crews.   

“Elward is the most honest, hard working, conscientious, individual you will ever meet. In our area it would be hard to find someone who disagrees with this statement.” –Tom Poullette, Founder – Central Wisconsin Chapter, Trout Unlimited

“Elward Engle has learned the lessons of Aldo Leopold’s life and the ethical and ecological and human foundations that undergrid Leopold’s ideas. He has applied these lessons to a complex and fragmented world, winning friends and admirers along the way.” –Deborah Nett, Executive Director – Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust