2012 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Land Trust Pioneer Award: The Ridges Sanctuary

Founded in 1937, The Ridges Sanctuary was created as the first land trust in Wisconsin. It was originally founded to preserve the original 40 acre parcel based on three important pillars: To protect the Sanctuary and inspire stewardship of natural areas through programs of education, outreach and research. Since then, The Ridges has grown and today protects over 1,600 acres of land.

The founding of The Ridges has been pivotal in the history of the land conservation in Wisconsin and paved the way for all future land conservation. Over the years, The Ridges has had a very active outreach to the public and encourages private and public land stewardship in many innovative ways. Some of these programs include: The “No Family Left Inside” program, the Wisconsin Naturalist Program and the Citizens Monitoring Program.

This year, as The Ridges celebrates its 75th anniversary, the organization is still intently focused on the future. They are endeavoring on an exciting and ambitious plan that will increase its educational programs, community presence and conservation partnerships.

“…the Ridges has been going strong for three-quarters of a century and has been enriching our community and expanding a conservation ethic that has benefitted all the land trusts that have come into existence in recent years.” – Dan Burke, Executive Director, Door County Land Trust