Wishing Dana and Pat Chabot the Best

At Gathering Waters, 2020 marked the end of an era as Dana Chabot, our longtime financial manager, passed his sharp pencil and calculator to the next generation.
At Gathering Waters, 2020 marked the end of an era as Dana Chabot, our longtime financial manager, passed his sharp pencil and calculator to the next generation.
211 S. Paterson St. Suite 270, Madison, WI 53703
608-251-9131 | info@gatheringwaters.org
Knowles Nelson Stewardship Program: KnowlesNelson.org
Wisconsin Land Trust Days: HaveFunOutside.org
Gathering Waters is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID: 39-1805090). Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
© Gathering Waters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.