
Succession Planning for Land Trusts
At the 2019 Wisconsin Land Trust Conference, trainer Megan Olds of Parallel Solutions, LLC presented a workshop on Succession Planning for land trusts. Bring these key questions to your land trust to get the conversation started!

2019 Land Trust Conference Recap: Grant Writing and Tracking
The grant writing process can be overwhelming, from figuring out where to begin to making sure you deliver what you promised when you promised. Conference participants shared tips and resources that help them grant opportunities, write successful applications, and track and report progress.

Oneida County Board Supports Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program
Oneida County calls on the legislature to reauthorize and fund the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.

2019 Land Trust Conference Recap: Climate Change
Find a list of our suggestions of the many good guides and examples on climate change, and people to follow for insights.

Governor’s Budget Proposes Stewardship Program Reauthorization for Two Years
We believe Wisconsin needs a long-term reauthorization of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program that allows organizations to plan and protect our land, water, wildlife, and way of life into the future.

The Holland Sand Prairie: A Backyard Treasure
A patch of protected prairie demonstrates how towns, community members, and the DNR work together to protect land.

Learning Ecological Restoration at Faville Grove
See ecological restoration in action at Faville Grove, a beautiful property conserved with grants from the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.

Tunnelville Cliffs: The Best of All Worlds
The Tunnelville Cliffs State Natural Area is part of 2,278 acres of land that the Mississippi Valley Conservancy has protected along the banks of the winding Kickapoo River near La Farge.

Crex Meadows and Knowles-Nelson: A Sportsman’s Perspective
A sportsman writes about Crex Meadows where the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program comes to life.

Wisconsin’s Elected Officials Need to Reauthorize the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program in 2019
Gathering Waters is investing in the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and we need your help.

Funding for Land and Water Protection At Risk in 2019
If the state government does not reauthorize the Stewardship Program in 2019, we will lose this vital source of funding.

Answering Your Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Questions
We’re making it easy to understand how the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program works for Wisconsin.