
New Wetlands Evaluation Tool for Land Trusts
Got flooding problems? Want to keep Wisconsin a haven for wildlife? Need to improve water quality? Want to help keep streams cool and flowing? Chances are you can achieve these and other goals by protecting and restoring wetlands.

Fathers Pass the Love of Special Places to Future Generations
Happy Father’s Day to all the men who help children appreciate and care for the natural world around them.

How Can You Have Fun While Creating a Fun Event?
In the middle of planning a great event for Land Trust Days? Wondering how to hit that sweet spot where the experience will be both fun and meaningful for participants? Read this post by guest blogger Kathy Oppegard.

Door County Land Trust Surpasses 8,000 Acres Protected
The Door County Land Trust has surpassed 8,000 acres protected with the addition of 106 acres at the Chambers Island Nature Preserve.

2017 Conservationist of the Year: Jim Welsh
Jim Welsh, Executive Director of the Natural Heritage Land Trust, has been named the 2017 Conservationist of the Year.

2017 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award: Dan Wisniewski
Dan Wisniewski of Middleton is the winner of the 2017 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award. He has dedicated over 40 years of his life to conservation through a career in government and as a volunteer.

2017 Policymaker of the Year: Senator Sheila Harsdorf
State Senator Sheila Harsdorf has demonstrated an enduring commitment to conservation in Wisconsin and we are pleased to name her the 2017 Policymaker of the Year.

2017 Land Trust of the Year: Driftless Area Land Conservancy
Congratulations to Driftless Area Land Conservancy (DALC) on being named 2017 Land Trust of the Year!

2017 Land Legacy Award: Terry and DiAnne Hatch
Terry & DiAnne Hatch of Iron County are the winners of the 2017 Land Legacy Award for their generous support of land conservation in Wisconsin.

Family Donates Conservation Easement at Rowan Creek State Fishery Area
In this guest post by Natural Heritage Land Trust, learn about 165 acres of land in Columbia County protected through a voluntary conservation easement.

Ice Age Trail Alliance Awarded National Park Service Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Ice Age Trail Alliance won three of six categories for the George and Helen Hartzog Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Service.

Ducks Unlimited Wisconsin Chapters Earn Spots on Elite National List
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and Madison Area chapters made the Elite List out of the more than 2,600 Ducks Unlimited chapters nationwide.