Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust – 2016 Land Trust of the Year
Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust has helped protect natural areas and water resources for the past 20 years. Guided by the mission to “preserve lands that protect our waters, landscapes, and natural
Kevin Shafer, 2016 Policymaker of the Year Award
Kevin Shafer is a champion of the Milwaukee River watershed. As Executive Director of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District, Kevin has fostered a cooperative relationship between the district and a wide range
Partners in Forestry Cooperative honored with Rod Nilsestuen Award for Working Lands Preservation
Partners in Forestry Cooperative (PIF) is a land owners’ cooperative that has been instrumental in the direct protection of thousands of acres of forestland in and around Vilas County. The organization
Ron Endres named 2016 Conservationist of the Year
Ron Endres is a private landowner and champion of native area restoration in Dane County. In addition to being a model steward to his and many of his neighbors’ lands, Ron
Return of a Lost Child
The Frog Bay area is an ecologically exceptional stretch of forest and shoreline located along Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin. It features rare and endangered plants, pristine boreal forest, and
The Call of the Whip-poor-will
The forest is quiet – the floor is littered with last season’s fallen leaves. You can barely hear the ripple of the creek where the clean, clear water flows across
Our new Executive Director
Gathering Waters: Wisconsin’s Alliance for Land Trusts is pleased to announce the hiring of Mike Carlson as Executive Director. Mike has been with Gathering Waters for eight years, serving as Government Relations Director,
Changes Announced for 2016: Executive Director Transition
A big change is in store for Gathering Waters: Executive Director, Mike Strigel, has announced that he is stepping down at the end of 2015. In appreciation for Mike’s service, Gathering Waters’
Congress passes permanent conservation tax incentive and LWCF extension
Today, Congress passed a year-end deal on spending and taxes that will make permanent the enhanced incentive for donations of conservation easements! The legislation also includes a brief but welcome reauthorization
The value of a strong alliance for Wisconsin’s land trusts
As the year draws to an end, we are incredibly thankful for everyone who played a role in strengthening Gathering Waters: Wisconsin’s Alliance for Land Trusts. The stronger the alliance between Gathering
Don Hawkins, taking home the Rod Nilsestuen Award for Working Lands Preservation
Don Hawkins of Mineral Point spent 32 years as an exemplary teacher of agriculture at Mineral Point High School before retiring to become a shining example of community engagement. After
Harold Friestad earns Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award
Harold Friestad, from the Village of Williams Bay, was essential to winning a decades-long battle to purchase and then protect and restore a very special 231-acre parcel on Geneva Lake.