The Candidates on Stewardship

There’s an election coming up, of course. If conservation influences your vote, you may want to know that in one recent public forum, both gubernatorial candidates made generally positive comments about the Knowles – Nelson Stewardship Program.

The Wisconsin Outdoor News asked Scott Walker and Tom Barrett for their “positions on the state Stewardship program” and published answers.

Scott Walker:  “I would keep it intact.  The key is that money should be spent on what it was intended for: That is protecting land that otherwise might be taken away from wildlife. I want to make sure we aren’t just buying land for the sake of buying it. Some land bought in recent years could not be rezoned and wouldn’t have been developed.”

Tom Barrett: “I am a longtime supporter of Stewardship.  I am a keen advocate of the Stewardship fund and think it has been good for the state.  I certainly don’t want to see the program damaged.”