Conservation wins BIG

It’s clear that the economy and jobs were the leading issues for many voters this past Tuesday.  I think most would agree that the focus on those issues was appropriate.  That said, those of us who care deeply about conservation need to make it clear that our precious natural resources are equally critical to our collective future.

Voters in Iowa made just that statement on November 2.

Nearly two-thirds of Iowa voters approved an amendment to the state’s constitution to create the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. The account would receive $150 million a year from a future sales tax increase, if lawmakers approve one.

The measure was years in the making and the credit goes to Iowa’s citizens and a tireless group of advocates.  Iowa’s Water and Land Legacy campaign was a project of The Conservation Campaign of the Trust for Public Land and a coalition of over 130 organizations (300,000 members) with the leadership team being The Nature Conservancy of Iowa, Soil Conservation Districts of Iowa, Pheasants Forever and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. It was a coalition of “jeans and suits, tennis shoes and waders, and camouflage and blaze orange.”  A big congratulations to our friends downriver!

Here in Wisconsin, the leaders who created the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund in 1989 had equally inspired vision.  In the coming months Gathering Waters Conservancy, Wisconsin’s land trusts, and our partners will continue to work tirelessly to make sure our new and continuing elected leaders see the value and understand the continuing commitment of Wisconsin’s citizens to our great conservation legacy.

Thanks to our friends in Iowa, we have some striking evidence of that commitment from just a bit downriver.