A Couple’s Land Legacy

Northwoods Land Trust “Our vision is hopefully that the future will look more like the past,” said Sue Kartman and Cindy Walters of Price County, Wisconsin. Recently, Cynthia and Sue recently acted on this very vision by protecting 319 acres of land and over 4,000 feet of shoreline frontage on Sailor Creek with the Northwoods Land Trust.

“Pretty much it is a wildlife sanctuary, at least that is our philosophy about it,” noted Sue. “That is really what this property is all about. We’ve caught huge bears in the spring on our trail camera. A big grey wolf was in there last year with huge paws, and we are hearing that he has a mate, so it will be interesting to see them. There are a lot of turkeys in there now and a lot of grouse. I got a picture of a bobcat too, so we get a lot of pictures of wildlife on the property. We are hoping through our conservation efforts that it will always be like that.” This bucolic easement provides important habitat for many types of fish and wildlife.

As Sue reflected on their completed land protection agreement, the emotion showed through: “This is our legacy. This is important. We don’t have any kids, so this is what we have to leave behind for future generations. This is something we can do that will truly last and that we can be proud of.”