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May 3 @ 8:30 pm 10:00 pm

10118 Moravia St
Ephraim, WI 54211 United States
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Let the chorus of frogs surround you during this evening hike at the Door County Land Trust’s Ephraim Preserve at Anderson Pond, a wetland gem in the heart of Ephraim. As spring temperatures rise, frogs begin their spring search for a mate, and they use their amazing vocal chords to announce their presence. Learn about the various ways of identifying frogs by sound, and about the efforts to monitor frog populations in Door County. This sensitive species is an indicator to the health of the ecosystem, and their resounding sound is music to many conservationists!

For more information about this event, please visit Door County Land Trust’s event page.

Registration for this event is requested.

A green-skinned, black-spotted Northern Leopard frog sits on a rock.