April 20, 2024 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Join Baird Creek Preservation Foundation (BCPF) for their annual Earth Day Work Day & Clean Up in the Baird Creek Greenway. Invasive removal, trash pick up, seed planting & trail work will be taking place at 500 Beverly Rd, 54311. Meet at the Triangle Hill chalet for snacks, coffee, and hot chocolate 8:30-9am before heading out with your project leaders.
Tree planting and maintenance will be taking place at 4677 Eaton Rd, 54311 (the Paul Hartman Prairie). Snacks and drinks will be provided at this location too.
Bring gloves for any of the activities and shoes or boots and clothes that can get dirty! If you plan on helping with tree planting bring a small shovel and mallet if you have one! There’s no cost to participate but BCPF accepts donations towards their restoration efforts!
RSVP here.