September 22, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Immerse yourself in the textures, colors, sounds, and smells of fall at Faville Grove with the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance. Enjoy a tour of the Prairie Lane restorations where you can take in the fall landscape with its autumn colors, including late blooming wildflowers (such as gentians, asters, and goldenrods), talk about the role of seed collecting in restorations, and more.
Field Trip Leader: Roger Packard, David Musolf, and Tucker Sanborn
Accessibility Features: Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and can accommodate those with visual impairments.
Approximate Distance for Walking: 1-3 miles
Rain Date: Sunday, September 29
RSVP Required? Yes, participation will be limited to 12 people. You can register here.
This event is part of Wisconsin Land Trust Days. Learn more at