July 29, 2023 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Arlington, WI 53911 United States
Come and experience a tour of Goose Pond Sanctuary’s restored mesic prairies, with frequent stops to allow folks to get out and explore.
There will be a touring wagon pulled by a truck traveling along the trails.
The event’s focus will be on burned prairies which are much more colorful and full of blooms than unburned prairies due to an increase in vigor. Blooms span the color spectrum from the vibrant orange of butterfly milkweed to the bright purple spikes of blazing stars. There will be discussions on wildlife that uses the property, volunteer activities, restoration tactics, and future projects.
Feel welcome to bring a lunch to eat together at Goose Pond after the outing.
ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES: Wheelchair accessible, minimal walking required. Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and able to accommodate those with visual impairments.
Registration opens 6 weeks in advance. This event is free, but space is limited to 20 people.
This event is part of Wisconsin Land Trust Days. Learn more at HaveFunOutside.org.