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April 27 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

324 Baird Creek Rd/Danz Ave
Green Bay, WI United States
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Interested in learning the basics of foraging for wild edible and medicinal plants and mushrooms? Come out for a spring hike through the Baird Creek Parkway, with ethnobotanist, educator, and bio-regional herbalist, Crystal Brown, of Inspired North. Understand the skills needed to get started and what the area has to offer in terms of plants and mushroom to incorporate into one’s life.

This class will include information on safety, ethics, tools, additional educational resources, basic skills and concepts of processing, as well as scouting for what is available in spring, and planning your harvests for the remainder of the year. This class is geared to the beginner and appropriate for all ages (children must be supervised by an adult/guardian).

Registration is required. For more information and to register for this event, please visit Baird Creek Preservation Foundation’s event page.

Registration for this event is required. The registration fee is $10/person and $5 for Baird Creek Members.

A photo of educator Crystal Brown holding foraged mushrooms in a snowy forest.