December 16, 2023 @ 6:00 am – 4:00 pm
Southern Wisconsin is home to a wonderful diversity of habitats and birds, including in winter! The annual Christmas Bird Count is a great citizen science project that involves meeting other enthusiastic birders and helping collect important data about birds at the same time!
Madison is home to thousands of bird-lovers, just like you. The annual Christmas Bird Count is a great citizen science project that involves meeting other enthusiastic birders and helping collect important data about birds in the at the same time!
Because Madison is so large and spread out, the count circle is broken down into 23 areas, and each area has a captain to coordinate volunteers and survey areas. Some survey areas are full on volunteers. We try to match new volunteers with their nearby area, but sometimes those areas are full on volunteers and the closest area that needs volunteers might be a bit of a drive.
Volunteers can either head out to a location assigned by their captain, or tally up birds that come to their feeder. Either way, please complete this form to sign up to help with the Madison-area Christmas Bird Count.
Then, at the end of the day, join a party to total up the bird species counted. It’s a fun event! Register for that here.