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Owl Prowl

February 10, 2024 @ 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

Marina Drive
Middleton, WI United States
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Enjoy the nighttime woods on this evening Owl Prowl at Pheasant Branch Conservancy. Meet at 5 pm at the entrance at the end of Marina Drive and bring a headlamp or flashlight if you like. The group will begin birding after dusk and continue the Owl Prowl until 7:00 p.m. Great Horned and Barred Owls are regularly seen in this area, and we may get lucky and find Screech Owls as well! We will have binoculars to borrow. This event is for anyone, including kids!


  • This is an inclusive field trip and beginning birders are welcome!
  • Minimal walking required
  • Trail grade and #/type of trail impediments are ok for those with difficulty walking or wearing children in packs
  • Field trip leader is adept at birding by ear and willing to accommodate those with visual impairments
  • Accessible by public transportation


RSVP REQUIRED? Yes. Participation is limited to 10 families or 30 participants, whichever is smaller. Register here.

Close up of a barred owl perched on a tree branch.