July 15, 2023 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Janesville, WI 53548 United States
This event has been canceled due to low registration numbers. Please contact the Ice Age Trail Alliance with questions.
Let your heart be bright, delighting in a classic summer night: a late-setting sun, cricket songs, and pulsing fire flies.
Enjoy a guided hike along arboretum paths through beautiful mature forest, prairie, marsh and wetlands. It’s magical under the light of the moon and around a bonfire. Light refreshments will be available.
Investment: $15/attendee, Girls under 18 are free.
Trailtessa [treyl-tes-sah], noun: a woman or girl who gets out on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail to experience adventure, freedom and a new way to be. Trailtessa Retreats are events designed by women for women. Re-discover YOU with plenty of permission. Be any way you want to Be.
This event is part of Wisconsin Land Trust Days. Learn more at HaveFunOutside.org.