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May 19 @ 8:00 am 11:30 am

4654 Maple Grove Dr
Verona, WI 53593 United States
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Be Free! Fly over rocks and roots through a blur of trees and yellow blazes, discovering beauty and an endorphin-fueled rush. Join the Ice Age Trail Alliance for a chance to learn the finer points of trail running–a chance to stride out the door, putting yourself first. Trail running experts will welcome beginners and seasoned runners to a workshop focused on training, gear, and nutrition tips. Guided runs along the Verona Segment will follow, with distances of three-or six-miles and options for different paces.

For more information on this event, please visit the Ice Age Trail Alliance’s event page.

Registration is required, and there is a $20-30 non-refundable registration fee.

A group of people place their right feet together to form a circle on a gravel trail.