September 16, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Join the Ice Age Trail Alliance for an afternoon of togetherness and environmental stewardship at this Trailtessa habitat improvement event for women and girls.
Wander through acres of native prairie plants, collecting seeds for future planting projects from a biodiversity hotspot, SwampLovers’ Preserve. Come eager to learn more about biodiversity – why various species, habitats, and ecosystems are crucial to a healthy planet – and how seed collecting helps support it.
Investment: $15/attendee, Girls under 18 are free. Event capacity is 40. Register here.
Trailtessa [treyl-tes-sah], noun: a woman or girl who gets out on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail to experience adventure, freedom and a new way to be. Trailtessa Retreats are events designed by women for women. Re-discover YOU with plenty of permission. Be any way you want to Be.
This event is part of Wisconsin Land Trust Days. Learn more at