Grab Your Camera and Get Outside!

We are very excited to officially announce the 2012 Gathering Waters Photo Contest!  This will be our second ever photo contest and we are working hard to make it bigger and better than the first one.

The details are outlined below, but for full contest info and to find out how you can participate, visit our website.

There is a $200 cash prize for the overall winner and $100 cash prizes for the winner in each of the following categories:

  • People Protecting Wisconsin – images of people at work or at play in Wisconsin’s beautiful outdoors.
  • Celebrate the Seasons – submit photos of your favorite time of the year and help us celebrate Wisconsin’s seasons.
  • Student Submissions – submissions from 9th grade – college students will be judged in their own category.
  • Wisconsin Land Trusts – images taken of lands or resources protected by a non-profit land trust in Wisconsin.

Each participant is allowed up to 5 entries and it is a requirement that all photos be taken in Wisconsin.  Images from land protected by Wisconsin land trusts are especially encouraged!

Contest ends September 1st, but don’t waste any time dusting off your camera and getting out to your favorite Wisconsin places to snap those prize-winning photos!