Healthy waterways, fish, and communities: Thank you to our Conservationists of the Year!

We’re honored to recognize Dale Buser & Andrew Struck as our 2013 Conservationists of the Year.  Dale and Andrew were essential in the creation of the Ozaukee Fish Passage Program, which reconnects existing, high quality fish and wildlife habitat throughout the Milwaukee River Watershed and drainage to Lake Michigan and supports public efforts to re-establish and encourage self-sustaining native populations of threatened, special-concern and game fish.

Ozaukee Fish Passage ProgramOf the 158 miles of streams that have been reconnected through this program, those streams now link the Milwaukee River main stem to over 119,000 acres of habitat, including 14,000 acres of wetlands. These passages help to improve natural resources and recreational opportunities, increase migratory fish populations, and benefit endangered fish species and species of concern.

Andrew and Dale work as an exemplary team and have been instrumental in the developing of the vision, plan, and execution of the environmental model. Dale’s background as a hydro-geologist and his love of fish paired with Andrew’s finesse with the government and his position as the Director of Planning and Parks for Ozaukee County enabled the two to turn the dream of the fish passage project into a reality.

Their ingenuity, determination, skill, and years of intensive work has already made and continues to make a significant impact upon all of Ozaukee County’s waterways, the health of the environment, and has become a driving force in uniting the community around the need for healthy rivers, streams and wetlands.

Please join us in celebrating and honoring Andrew & Dale at our annual Land Conservation Leadership Awards Celebration on September 26th at the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI.