Ice Age Trail Alliance’s Trailblazing Year Includes 15 Miles of New Trail

A group of people sitting on the concrete steps of a nature trail next to an Ice Age Trail signpost.

The Ice Age Trail Alliance had a record-setting year for trailbuilding, forging nearly 15 miles of new trail on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. These new segments of trail serve as connections to other parts of the trail, expanding the 1,200 mile footpath through the state. After these additions, the trail is now 698 miles, with connecting roads bridging the gap in between.

Dave Caliebe, Trail Program Manager for the Ice Age Trail Alliance, attributes the extraordinary number of volunteer-related hours to “a great group of new volunteers who are finding value in giving back to the Ice Age Trail after hiking it.” Caliebe noted, “They are excited about learning from our long-time Trailbuilding folks, and several individuals have taken the next step, becoming volunteer Crew Leaders.”

Read more in this article by the Wisconsin State Journal and the Ice Age Trail Alliance’s blog.

Photo by Dave Caliebe, Ice Age Trail Alliance.