An Inspiring Gift for Wisconsin

And the inspiring gift is…a bright, shiny, new strategic plan!  I know, I know…the title is a stretch as it’s not the gift most Wisconsinites were dreaming about this weekend while the Packers played for (and won!) a berth in the Super Bowl.

But, the 2011-2014 Gathering Waters Conservancy Strategic Plan, which was unanimously approved by the GWC board on January 21, is an important and inspirational guide for the our staff and our members in the continuing pursuit of our mission to help  people protect the places that make Wisconsin special.  A few highlights from the just-adopted plan…

Land trusts in Wisconsin have always upheld high standards and GWC has always provided the resources and training needed to sustain those standards.  With this plan we update and refine our training programs through the Land Trust Excellence and Advancement Program (LEAP).  In partnership with the Land Trust Alliance, LEAP provides critical resources to land trusts in their continuing march to excellence while acknowledging land trust accreditation as an important milestone along the way.

With both state and federal budgets stretched thin, public granting sources are going to be carefully looked at by our legislators in Washington and Madison.  This plan continues our commitment to maximizing land trust access to those sources of support and to representing land trust interests in agency offices and legislative hearing rooms.

We also recognize that we are fortunate to live where conservation is cutting edge while always grounded in the incredible legacies of giants like Gaylord Nelson, John Muir and Aldo Leopold.  We make a special point in this plan to tell the stories of the land trust community’s continuing successes while taking the opportunity to connect those successes to our rich history.  (FYI…GWC is a sponsor for the Madison premiere of an important new documentary on Aldo Leopold titled, Green Fire.)

Finally, our vision for this plan is that, guided by our great conservation tradition, we will work with you to see strong and sustainably-run land trusts in every corner of Wisconsin.  This is how we’ll help each other protect the places that make Wisconsin special.  Thank you for all you do!