Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy, a Gem for Future Generations

While volunteering with Gathering Waters Conservancy during his winter break from college, our friend Will Erickson wrote the following story about a terrific land trust accomplishment close to his heart.

A new agreement between the Village of Williams Bay and the Geneva Lake Conservancy will permanently protect the Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy. This agreement ensures that the 215-acre conservancy will not be subdivided or otherwise developed, a goal a long time in the making.

The Village of Williams Bay originally purchased the land from private owners in 1990.  The land consists of natural undisturbed woodland, wetlands, and prairies, with many trails for observation of birds, wildlife and native plantings.  And now thanks to a conservation easement held by Geneva Lake Conservancy, the land will be protected forever.

For many years Williams Bay had been turning down development proposals that would have had a detrimental impact on Williams Bay and Geneva Lake.

In 1989, following a citizen outcry regarding another more extensive project, the Williams Bay Board took the initiative and purchased this site for preservation.  In July of 1990 the board created the Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy to “ensure the protection of this fragile shoreland-wetland area for future generations”.

My late grandfather, Herb Erikson, was one of many concerned Villagers in 1989 when extensive development offers were coming into the Bay.  It is with great pride and gratitude that I, one of the children of “future generations,” may still enjoy the Kishwauketoe Nature Conservancy.  To be able to appreciate this shoreline as my grandparents knew it is truly a gift, both to my generation and the health of Williams Bay and Lake Geneva.