Land Trust News
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Lodi School District Designated as Official Ice Age Trail Campus
The school district is the first in the state to receive this designation. Students marked the occasion by helping build a new section of trail.

Door County Land Trust Celebrates a Year of Successful Conservation in 2024
In a banner year for conservation efforts, the land trust completed 17 projects for an overall total of nearly 9,900 acres of protected land.

Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust Receives USFWS Grant to Protect 22 Acres on Point au Sable
Funding will be provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.

A Record-Setting Year for the Ice Age Trail Alliance
The Ice Age Trail expanded to over 700 miles in 2024. Volunteers set a new record for service hours logged.

Cozy Nook Farm Protected Via Conservation Easement
Tall Pines Conservancy protects the 139-acre property with a conservation easement funded in part by the Wisconsin Farmland Protection Partnership.

Door County Climate Change Group Wins Grant For Tree Planting Program
The grant will support a three-year project to plant and monitor trees on land owned by The Ridges Sanctuary.

Agaski Bluff Protected in Southern Wisconsin
The 38-acre Agaski Bluff, one of the Driftless Area’s last remaining prairies and home to the state endangered pale false foxglove, is now protected by The Prairie Enthusiasts.

Mississippi Valley Conservancy Protects 33-Acre Wildlife Haven on Halls Creek
A serene property among the pines of Halls Creek, north of Black River Falls, is now protected by a conservation easement.

Tall Pines Conservancy to Protect First Property Bought Through Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program
The Metz Preserve in the Town of Erin is an 84-acre farm property that connects two sections of the Loew’s Lake Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest.

New Conservation Easement in Egg Harbor Protects Forest and More
A 13-acre property with one of the highest concentrations of Dwarf Lake Iris will be conserved by the Door County Land Trust.

Introducing Sunny Peace Prairie: Southern Wisconsin Land Conservancy Receives Land Donation
SWLC is ready to continue restoration and educational programming at the 75-acre property.

A Call for Grassroots Advocacy to Save Knowles-Nelson
Conservation groups came together in Door County to advocate for the 2025 renewal of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.