Land Trusts and the Conservation Congress

On May 10th, Shawn Graff from the Ozaukee Washington Land Trust and Eric Forward from the Kinnickinnic River Land Trust joined GWC’s Government Relations Director, Mike Carlson, for a presentation at the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ Annual Convention in Manitowoc.  The title of the session was “Reaching Beyond the Traditional Network” and focused on both statewide and local perspectives on how land trusts and the sporting community can work together on projects ranging from land acquisition and habitat restoration to public policy and education.

The Conservation Congress’ Vice-Chair Larry Bonde invited GWC and the land trusts to the convention, and we really appreciate being included in the program.  We’re looking forward to continued work with the Conservation Congress and others in the sporting community in the future.

It was really impressive to hear about several collaborations already happening between land trusts and groups like Ducks Unlimited, the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association, and Pheasants Forever.  Shawn and Eric described several examples where their land trusts have come together with the sportsmen and women and other partners to accomplish shared conservation goals.