Mississippi Valley Conservancy Reaches 25,000 Acres Protected

Heavily wooded area populated by thin trees

Congratulations to Mississippi Valley Conservancy on conserving 25,000 acres of land!!!

The organization reached this milestone in December 2022 with a conservation easement of 66 acres in Monroe County owned by Jack and Carolyn Halbrehder. Read more and watch a video by News 19 WXOW here.

“We want to continue to build these larger corridors of protected land,” said Carol Abrahamzon, MVC’s executive director, in this article by News8000. “Those corridors provide the places that our native plants and animals need to be in the time of climate change.”

The 25,000 acres now protected by the conservancy is a combination of land that has been purchased and donated, as well as conservation easements.

Photo by Mississippi Valley Conservancy.