
Our Hats Off to You, Conor!

We offer our thanks and tip our hats to Conor Moran, who is celebrating his last day with us. Whether it’s his smart attention to the details of his work, his long-thinking office pranks, his Photoshop skills, his ability to take on any and all obscure tasks, or his magnetic personality, we’ve enjoyed our time together and thank him for his service to Gathering Waters and to the Wisconsin land trust community.

Conor first came to us in 2004 as an intern, eager to gain non-profit experience while working toward his law degree. It was clear early on that Conor wasn’t the type of intern that simply took direction and completed a task – yes, he did that – but he also brought his own insights and ideas to the job and worked to improve our systems and expand our capacity in the three years he was with us. We were lucky to have him then and even luckier when he returned in 2010.

Conor will be consulting with Gathering Waters and the land trust community in the future and we’re excited to have the opportunity to continue to work together. Our warmest thanks and best wishes to you, Conor!