Retreating to the Northwoods…

Although this post’s title may imply it, we’re not talking about the summer heat driving us north.  However, we do feel fortunate that we were able to spend last week in one of Wisconsin’s most special (and seasonally temperate!) places for our annual Land Trust Retreat.

Winter Park Pines Nature PreserveTogether with our local hosts, the Northwoods Land Trust, we welcomed over 65 land trust staff and board members from across the state to Minocqua for three days of trainings, networking, and fun.

Highlights from this, our 13th annual Retreat, included:

  • trainings on strategic planning, baseline documentation, and effective internal controls for land trusts
  • conversations with our state and federal conservation partners, including an update on the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program and partnership opportunities with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • our annual land trust dessert potluck (yum!) and a tour of the new Winter Park Pines Nature Preserve – the largest conservation easement ever donated to a Wisconsin land trust, Northwoods Land Trust.

A special thank you to all of our participants for their commitment to strengthening their organizations, and to our sponsors who continue to make it possible for us to offer this valuable training opportunity to our members for no cost.