The Rod Nilsestuen Fund

Rod Nilsestuen was special.

Since his untimely passing in July, those who were touched by his life and work have documented the many gifts he shared with Wisconsin.  We at Gathering Waters Conservancy had the honor of working with him in support of Wisconsin’s Working Lands Initiative, a true memorial to his commitment to farming and farmland.  We remain committed to the principles and programs established by the Initiative and have been grateful to all of those who’ve participated in making it a success.

It is now our pleasure to draw your attention to an effort by Rod’s family and others to carry on his special legacy.  The Rod Nilsestuen Fund will sponsor programming that advances research, education and outreach in cooperative business and development, wise rural land use and leadership.  Please take a moment to learn more about the fund and do what you can to support the continuation of the important work that Rod championed.