Send In Your Nominations!

Although spring is just beginning to blossom in Madison, we are already looking to the fall and planning our 2012 Land Conservation Leadership Awards Celebration. Our annual Awards Celebration recognizes the outstanding work of individuals, policy makers, and land trusts who are working to protect the places that make Wisconsin special.

Alan Sweeney, recipient of the 2011 Rod Nilsestuen Award for Working Lands Preservation.

We are now accepting nominations for the 2012 awards!

The award categories are:

  • Land Trust of the Year
  • Policy Maker of the Year
  • Rod Nilsestuen Award for Working Lands Preservation
  • Conservationist of the Year
  • Award with a Harold “Bud” Jordahl Distinction

If you can think of a deserving individual or organization, go ahead and complete our nomination form.  Nominations are due by Friday, May 11, 2012. These awards will be presented at Gathering Waters Conservancy’s 10th annual Land Conservation Leadership Awards Celebration on October 4, 2012.

If you have any questions, you can contact Mindy Petersen at 608-251-9131 x 15 or by email.

For more information on the Land Conservation Leadership Awards Celebration, visit our website.