
An Overview of the National Climate Assessment
Breaking down the Fourth National Climate Assessment, a multi-agency review of the changes to our climate that have already occurred in the United States, and the impacts we can expect in the Midwest.

Governor-elect Evers Wants to Hear From You!
We’ve made it easy to let Governor-elect Tony Evers know you’re an advocate for the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program.

Have You Met Your Farm Bill Biologists in Wisconsin?
Pheasants Forever goes “beyond the bird” and proudly serves as “The Habitat Organization.” Learn more about the seven Farm Bill Wildlife Biologists in Wisconsin.

Reflections on Rally 2018
Attending Rally, the Land Trust Alliance’s annual conference, always reminds us of the multitude of great resources created by people in the conservation community. Here are just a few that we want to introduce–or remind you about.

Gathering Waters applauds 10-year reauthorization request for the Stewardship Program
Gathering Waters: Wisconsin’s Alliance for Land Trusts applauded the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) budget request to reauthorize the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program for another decade.

Financial Management for Land Trusts
Many land trusts will soon be closing out the 2018 fiscal year and preparing a budget for 2019. This is a great time to make sure you are aware of year-end financial reporting requirements.

2018 Land Trust of the Year: Waukesha County Land Conservancy
Since 1992, the Waukesha County Land Conservancy (WCLC) has demonstrated a commitment to safeguarding Wisconsin’s natural treasures by acquiring and permanently protecting properties with habitat for numerous rare birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and plants. To date, WCLC has protected nearly 2,900 acres of environmentally significant land.

2018 Rod Nilsestuen Award for Working Lands Preservation: Jimmy VandenBrook
During his 35-year career, Jim (Jimmy) VandenBrook continually worked to find solutions to conserve our valuable land and water resources.

2018 Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award: Jan Zimmermann
Jan Zimmermann has been described as an “unsung hero” for her support of land conservation in Wisconsin. She has an impressive legacy of professional accomplishments, from leading complex conservation efforts to developing creative new approaches to projects, securing project revenue, and assisting in the acquisition and protection of properties around the state.

2018 Conservationist of the Year: Pat Caffrey
For more than 40 years, Pat Caffrey has been an integral part of the conservation community in Wisconsin. Pat helped the Mississippi Valley Conservancy (MVC) transform from an all-volunteer organization to an accredited, staffed land trust.

Majority of Wisconsinites Support the Land and Water Conservation Fund
A new polling memo from the bipartisan research team of FM3 Research and Public Opinion Strategies says people in Wisconsin support the work of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and want to see it continue.

You’re Invited to Get Outside and Have Fun This Summer During Land Trust Days
Gathering Waters and our member land trusts invite you to join us for six weeks of activities that will get you outside and connected to the land.