
We Can and Must Do Better
We stand in solidarity with those who are calling for justice and accountability in Wisconsin and across the United States after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, along with the targeted harassment of Christian Cooper.

Land Trusts Complete 75 Projects in 2019
Gathering Waters is thrilled to report that 2019 was a big year for Wisconsin’s land trusts. Twenty-four land trusts protected more than 5,000 acres around Wisconsin.

Madison Community Foundation Features Gathering Waters in Madison Gives
Read an article by Madison Community Foundation highlighting the work of Gathering Waters and Wisconsin’s land trusts in the Spring 2020 issue of Madison Gives.

Conservancy Completes 556-Acre Conservation Easement To Protect Critical Blanding’s Turtle Habitat
Geneva Lake Conservancy recently completed a large conservation easement in their service area, named the Holzinger Memorial Preserve. Read more about it in this post written by our friends at Geneva Lake Conservancy.

Wisconsin’s Wild and Natural Places are More Important Than Ever
Right now, Wisconsin’s state parks and natural areas are open and free to visit if we abide by the “Safer at Home” order Governor Evers signed in March. We can keep our vital green spaces open by practicing some simple guidelines.

Representatives Loudenbeck and Kitchens Propose 10-Year Knowles-Nelson Funding
Gathering Waters applauds Representatives Loudenbeck and Kitchens for proposing legislation to renew the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program through the end of the decade.

Plan Events Early for Fundraising Success
Planning events early gets staff engaged, enables effective marketing, increases event attendance, AND helps raise funds through sponsorships and other major gifts.

Celebrating the Second Annual Land Trust Days
Thanks for making the second year of Land Trust Days a success! Whether you planned, promoted, hosted, or attended events, we thank you!

Event Host Tips for Land Trust Days
Read on for some tips for land trusts to help prepare, host, and follow up on Land Trust Days events.

The Yawkey Lumber Company: Winner of the 2019 Land Legacy Award
The Yawkey Lumber Company was honored with the 2019 Land Legacy Award for their donation to Northwoods Land Trust of 431 acres of woodlands, wetlands, and natural shoreline in Hazelhurst.

Landmark Conservancy: 2019 Land Trust of the Year
After careful deliberation, two land trusts merged in 2018 to form Landmark Conservancy to further their impact on land conservation. In honor of this successful merger, Landmark Conservancy was named the 2019 Land Trust of the Year.

Chambers Island Nature Preserve Executive Committee: 2019 Conservationists of the Year
Four women that make up the Chambers Island Nature Preserve Executive Committee have helped protect nearly 850 acres on Chambers Island, making them the 2019 Conservationists of the Year.