
Call for Nominations: 2023 Land Conservation Leadership Awards

Four images arranged in a square featuring a fox, tall grass in the mist, a white owl in a tree trunk, and a waterfall over rocks

The Call for Nominations for the 2023 Land Conservation Leadership Awards is open through Wednesday, March 15, 2023!

Gathering Waters offers the Land Conservation Leadership Awards to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of individuals and organizations working to protect Wisconsin’s special places.

Award Categories

There are five award categories, two of which are specifically for land trust staff and supporters:

  • Land Trust Professional of the Year – for a staff member of a land trust (current or recently retired)
  • Land Trust Volunteer of the Year – for anyone working with a land trust in a volunteer capacity, including board members (current or recently retired)

Three awards are open to the wider conservation community:

  • Land Legacy Award – a donor and service focused award for an individual or organization that has had an impact on land conservation
  • Working Lands Preservation Award – to recognize individuals or organizations that are working specifically to protect sustainable farmlands
  • Harold “Bud” Jordahl Lifetime Achievement Award – our flagship award honoring an individual who has devoted their life to environmental conservation

Tips for Submitting a Nomination

We encourage you to nominate individuals, families, organizations, or yourself! Your nomination packet needs to include two things: a completed Nomination Form and at least one Letter of Support.

The Nomination Form is where you share contact information for yourself and the person you are nominating, and select which award category you are nominating them for. You can select multiple categories if you think the person would be a good fit in more than one category. The form can be completed online or emailed to us at

The Letter of Support should be a 1-2 page letter that functions like a recommendation letter you would write on behalf of someone for a job reference or college application. It should highlight their skills, abilities, and accomplishments. You are welcome and encouraged to submit additional Letters of Support written by others who can vouch for the nominee. Please include all Letters of Support as attachments with your nomination.

Supporting Materials, such as news articles, trail or property maps, or photos, are also great to include if you have them. These are optional, but everything you can share will help present a clearer picture of your nominee to the Selection Committee.


Contact Amanda Sweno at