Headwaters Property in Big Ravine Watershed Permanently Protected

Body of water next to a wooded area.

Ten acres of the Big Ravine are now protected thanks to the Town of Bayfield and Landmark Conservancy, which worked together to raise funds to purchase and protect the property.

Funding came from Wisconsin’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, as well as the Biodiversity Fund of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s North American Wetlands Conservation Act program, and local donors.

Erika Lang, Conservation Manager for Landmark Conservancy, said, “The Big Ravine Headwaters project is a wonderful example of what a community can do for conservation when it works together.”

Future plans for the property include establishing trails that will be open to the public.

Read more in this blog article by Landmark Conservancy.

Photo by Landmark Conservancy.